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Showing posts from January, 2010

Pearls from Steve Jobs....

I have been thinking about the topics on which I should post blogs on. Here is one regular topic I want to touch up on and it is on a personality from whom we all can learn something irrespective of his status and profession. Today I am starting with Steve Jobs, the co-founder and chief executive officer of Apple Inc. Pearl 1 is a slideshare presentation on "presentation secrets from Steve Jobs" [I first found this presentation on Nimmy's Aa..ha! [Thinking Inside The Blog!] ] and Pearl 2 is his Stanford Commencement speech. Let me know if you liked it. Pearl 1>The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs Pearl 2>Steve Jobs' 2005 Stanford Commencement Address We can always learn a few lessons from each others life.What's your thought?

My favorite Blogs…

I would like to introduce you to 5 of the interesting subscriptions I have in my Google Reader[ see 5 Web 2.0 Tools that you can’t miss!] 1.Good coders code, great reuse A must visit Blog for all Linux and scripting enthusiasts. 25 years old Peteris Krumins blogs about   programming, hacking, software reuse, software ideas, computer security, google and technology . You can find detailed explanation of concepts in a simple language. Peter..Kudos to you!   Have a look at here 2.Mashable Mashable is the world’s largest blog focused exclusively on Web 2.0 and Social Media news. With more than 15 million monthly pageviews, Mashable is the most prolific blog reviewing new Web sites and services, publishing breaking news on what’s new on the web and offering social media resources and guides. Visit Mashable here 3.Aa..ha! [Thinking Inside The Blog!]: I like the content and her style of writing. In her own words she writes on   Life, Spirituality, Knowledge Management (

5 Web 2.0 Tools that you can’t miss!

Here are some very handy online tools that helped me manage web world better. 1. Google Reader :  Read websites/Blogs/news in one place. Helps you to organize Blogs you read regularly. You don’t have to visit each Blog for new posts. Yes, a single window for all your Blog reading needs. 2. Delicious : Online bookmarking site. Using Browser's bookmark tool? And lost it several times or not able to keep track. Here you go. Delicious is an online book marking site from Yahoo. The best part is you can search others bookmarks. I love looking at the popular bookmarks link. 3. Scribd : A great online document sharing site. Want to search for books/documents available to read/download?  Scribd  is the answer. 4. Slideshare : an online, community-based presentation hosting service. I found this site while I was visiting one of my recent Blog finding (I will post my favorite Blogs in a different post).I could find some wonderful presentation on different topics here. 5. bubbl

Why did you do this?

Yes,I hear that question.... Why did you do this? What?A new Blog I know there are   umpteen   number of web/networking sites,blogs,feeds and tweets. But nothing stops me today. It’s a GO!.Some fortunate and unfortunate incidents in life and some good blogs/books I feed and read given me the inspiration(If you ask me why today?). Any how this is where I share little nuggets from what I know/learned especially on Life and Technology.Hope you will like it. With Love, -Habi